5 things I learned this week #2

If you follow me on instagram ( @denisaluntraru ) or on facebook you already now that my absence from the blog was due to a trip to the Netherlands, which was awesome. But more on that in another post, as soon as I sort the pictures.
I might do this kind of posts from time to time, I’m know you enjoyed the last one so I hope you’ll enjoy this one too.

  1. Fear is just a product of the mind. You can control any fear you might have if you put your mind to it. Unless we’re talking about frogs, frogs are evil.
  2. If you surround yourself with amazing people you’ll have an amazing time.
  3. You always have to work for what you want and things will come into place, Actually, I learned this quite a few years ago.
  4. Some things really do happen for a reason. 
  5. Accept the things you can’t change and move on.


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