radiant eclipse

This is what I wore for a little get together with my friends. Notice how my eyes change according to I’m wearing?:)

I get so many emails with different sites that want to be featured on the blog some I like, some I don’t,some I’ll feature,some I’ll won’t.

I can’t post an article on all so I’m thinking of starting a new category, including giveaways and articles that I recently read & loved.It will be up every Monday or Wednesday.

What do you think?

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I found this so funny,I couldn’t resist:)
ps:ignore the background

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Promod top,Esprit pants,thrifted jacket,Parfois shoes and hive&co handbag

Radiant Eclipse(sadic song,love it)

Aww and another thing,I don’t know why blogger won’t let me comment on some certain blogs,error error error,it drives me crazy. I’ll get to everybody eventually:(


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